23 July 2009

My 25th Hour

fuck bottle service! with your fake ass trust fund babies spending money they didn't earn, and your weak ass posers spending their rent, and cell phone money for a bottle you could get a BevMo for less then 20 bucks ...

fuck vip rooms! with your fake ass, label wearing, plastic ass people ... go take public transportation back to your apartment, and living check to check, till i see you out again next week with that "fresh from the department store" look ... 

fuck you douche bags ... with your dumb ass complaining about the music no matter what's playing, and there is never enough "ass" around for you to grope ... you still haven't caught on that she don't give a fuck about your lame, drunken ass ...

fuck you scene fucks ... don't think because i am nice to you that i don't see what you're doing ... you only come around, and bat your eye lashes because you want the guest list, or a free drink, or to flirt with a dj ... then when you get it, you go back to your girl friends, and tell them how you played someone because deep deep down your opinion of yourself is so low you need that bit of satisfaction to keep you from slitting your wrist ... 

i don't hate you ... i just think you should get priorities straight


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